• We usually start the day between 10 AM and 12 PM (3 and 6 hours sessions must begin at 10 AM). If you book consecutive full days, the studio will be in lock-out at no extra charge.
    The clock starts at the time the session is scheduled to begin and runs for a consecutive period of time (for example, a 10 hour session that starts at 10 AM will end at 8PM). Studio setup and breaks are included in the session time. Load-outs can happen after the end of the session.
    Unscheduled overtime will be billed by the hour.

    For voice-overs, podcast recording, video shoots and events, special conditions apply.

  • Setting up instruments and placing microphones is one of the most important aspects of a recording session - this is when the tone-shaping begins! Therefore, all soundchecking must be done during session hours.
    That being said, our engineers will start setting up standard stuff like headphones, stands, etc, an hour before the session starts, and backline load-in might be done at an earlier date upon request (depending on studio availability).

  • There’s no one size fits all when we talk about recording. The time you spend in the studio depends on the complexity of what you are recording, your experience in the studio, among other factors. We recommend that you discuss your project with us at the time of booking, so we can help you assess how much time you may need in the studio.

  • You don’t work in the music industry expecting a 9 to 5 schedule, am I right? That being said, our staff still needs to feel they have a semi-normal social life, so unforeseen overtime will be charged by the hour.

  • Get in touch with us if you need a studio lock-out for nonconsecutive bookings and we’ll quote accordingly.

    We keep our piano tuned but If you would like the piano tuned for your session, please let us know at the time of your booking so we can schedule that for you. Unusual tunings will be charged at double the rate (so we can bring it back to standard tuning!). The normal rate for tuning is 100€ (excluding VAT).

  • Yes, but get in touch first to schedule your visit by emailing us at booking@ardarecorders.com.

  • Besides the regular studio activities, we can also accommodate filming, private showcases, album playbacks and masterclasses upon request. More about it here.

  • Our studios are prepared for full analog, digital or hybrid recording and mixing.
    The most common example of full analog recording is when you record and mix straight-to-tape, something we excel here at Arda Recorders. This is the way most iconic records were made.
    Digital or “in-the-box”, is used to describe a scenario where, apart from microphones and preamps, all the processing is done in the computer. This is especially useful for projects that require extensive revisions.
    The hybrid approach is the most common situation in modern professional studios. An example of this is recording to the DAW, using analog consoles, compressors and equalizers to get that sweet, warm sound with the added benefit of digital editing and manipulation.

  • We usually deliver the masters in streaming, CD and Vinyl format, at no extra charge. We can also do mastering by stems and DDP for CD duplication.

  • Of course! We’re happy to host other engineers and producers in our studios! Our assistants will help them with everything they might need during the sessions.

  • We are located on a private street, although we cannot guarantee that spots will be available. On that occasion, there are a lot of paid parking options nearby, especially near the train station.

  • Yes, our building is prepared to receive anyone in a wheelchair or with mobility issues. There's an accessible bathroom stall on the ground floor and the top floor is accessible by elevator.

  • We have a partnership with Mouco Hotel, 5 minutes from our complex.
    For longer stays, we’re also able to book private apartments in your behalf.
    Please let us know your accommodations needs at the time of booking and we’ll take care of everything!

  • Send it to jobs@ardarecorders.com and we’ll let you know if we have any job openings.

  • Read it here.